Watch Our 2020 Ad:

Then Visit The Hammer's Website to ENTER THE BIG CONTEST:

Be sure to visit The Hammer's official 2018 Dragon Super Bowl Commercial Page for access to more videos and Behind The Scenes action.

It's here: The 2018 Super Bowl LII Commercial with lawyer Darryl Isaacs - The Hammer! Brought to you by Isaacs & Isaacs.

In the 2017 Super Bowl ad, The Hammer took down the Big Insurance Zombies who tried to offer their small claim check to an injured victim. In 2018 - the hordes are back to mount another chilling offense.

It’s Fire versus Ice in Part 2 of The Hammer's quest for justice. Can he stop the snow and put an end to the wintery, evil blizzard that’s invaded his land? Will justice be served in the Great Land of Kentucky?

Zombies. The Dragon. The Hammer.

The Big Game of Justice is here!

Attorney Darryl Isaacs - The Hammer
Isaacs & Isaacs - The Big Rig Truck and Car Accident Injury Attorneys