Social media marketing

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Promotional graphic on using instagram for law firm growth, featuring a smartphone and consultwebs logo.

Are you on the crest of the Instagram wave? You could be. Instagram remains untapped by many law firms, but this is rapidly changing. Why you may ask? Businesses have come to realize that jumping on the social media bandwagon is in their best interest. To give you a few statistics and figures, a[...]

Hands holding globe with floating tech and social media icons, symbolizing global connectivity.

What is the real difference between a dormant Facebook page and one that is thriving? And don’t just ask the question about what the pages look like on the surface, but in regard to the return on your investment. In short, does a social media strategy with a focus on engagement produce leads? An[...]

Ginarte laws facebook page featuring team photo and contact details.

We all know that Facebook never stays the same, especially when it comes to design. This is why it’s so important to stay on top of the most recent changes (e.g.: the newest Timeline layout, discussed below). So, how do we create a great design for your law firm? One simple fact: to really create [...]